TPL Path Labs was pleased having attended the inaugural lecture of Prof. Dr. Hagen Pfundner, which took place on Thursday 6th July 2017 at 5pm c.t. in the auditorium at Albert Ludwig University, Institut für Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften Hermann-Herder-Str. 7/9 in Freiburg.
Title of the lecture:
„Immer länger, immer gesünder leben?
Was Arzneimittel leisten – vom Wirkstoff zum gesellschaftlichen Nutzen“
The evening was opened by Prof. Dr. Manfred Jung, Dean of the faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the University of Freiburg.
In his welcoming speech, he presented Prof. Dr. Hagen Pfundner´s impressive vita and career.
With his inspirational lecture, Prof. Dr. Pfundner shared his knowledge with the students, scientists and, representatives from industry. The interested audience took the chance of posing questions to Prof. Dr. Pfundner, who answered professionally.
After the inaugural lecture, Prof. Dr. Pfundner invited his guests for a snack which provided the opportunity for a lively discussion with the lecturer and the participants.
The evening proved to be an outstanding success, all participants enjoyed very much.